Our Glossary:
“Simultaneous Translators” is a term that is used a lot when potential clients of conference interpretation services are looking for such services online, however, it is not a correct term!
Definition: “simultaneous interpreters” is a correct name of the profession.
Simultaneous interpretation is done in a special soundproof booth and with special equipment: headsets and microphones and receivers and headsets for the conference delegates.
Using the word “translator” instead of “interpreter” is fairly common, but it is incorrect. A “translator” works with written texts, while an interpreter speaks orally.
Using the words interpreter and interpretation does not mean at all that the final product in interpretation is less accurate or a different version from the original. It simply means that interpreter works with oral language.
“Simultaneous translators” certainly has to be avoided as a term, it is confusing and incorrect!
InterStar Translations provides simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services in the USA and worldwide.