Watch “The Interpreters: A Historical Perspective”

The film gives a historical perspective of how the profession developed from the League of Nations to the present day, particularly the introduction of the simultaneous interpretation mode, first used at the Nuremberg Trials, as many of the interpreters who worked there later became UN interpreters. To this end, more than 60 interpreters of all generations, as well as ambassadors and other users of the interpretation services, were interviewed in New York, Paris and Geneva.


Evelyn Moggio-Ortiz (AIIC) had the idea of producing a film on the history of interpreting in the United Nations nn the occasion of the UN’s Fiftieth Anniversary in 1995. The result of two years of work was “The Interpreters: A Historical Perspective.”

The film is aimed at the public at large, with the dual purpose of educating about the profession and AIIC, and the United Nations Organization from its beginnings.

(C) UN/AIIC, published with permission.

AIIC Channel on YouTube