These 20 voice exercises by Michael Jacobs are included into our book to develop proper articulation and can also be used as a daily vocal workout.
Introduction (Michael Jacobs)
Recommended Exercise Sequence
Week 1: 1, 2, 6, 8
Week 2: 3, 4, 7, 9
Week 3: 5, 10, 14
Week 4: 15, 18 and the rest
#1 Voiceless plosives:
[p], [t] , [k]
#2 Voiced plosives:
[b],[d], [g]
#3 Variation of voiceless plosives exercise:
[p t k to pi kə]
#4 Variation of voiced plosives exercise:
[bə də gə də bə gə]
#5 Variation of voiced plosives exercise (#2):
[bə də gə də də bə gə də]
#6 Voiceless fricatives exercise:
[f] [q] [s] and [ʃ]
#7 Variation of the voiceless fricative exercise:
[f q s ʃ]
#8 Voiced fricatives exercise:
[v], [ð], [z] and [3]
#9 Variation on the voiced fricatives exercise:
[vI ðə zI Ʒə]
#10 Variation of the voiced fricatives exercise #2:
[vI zə ðI Ʒə]
#10a Combination of exercises # 9 & #10:
[vI ðə zI Ʒə vI zə ðI Ʒə]
#11 Lateral sound exercise:
[lIlI lalI]
#12 Lateral/nasal exercise:
[lelanI lelenI]
#12a Lateral/nasals exercise:
[əlumInum lənoulIəm]
#13 Nasal [ŋ] (ng) exercise:
#14 Tongue Twister “Toy Boats Boy’s Toes”:
#14a Tongue Twister variation “Boy’s Toes Toy Boats”:
#15 Tongue Twister variation “Toy Boats Boy’s Toes Boy’s Toes Toy Boats”:
#16 Tongue Twister “Black Bug’s Blood”:
17 Tongue Twister “Red Leather Yellow Leather”:
#18 Tongue Twister variation:
Red Leather Yellow Leather,
Red Leather Yellow Leather,
Red Leather Yellow Leather,
Red Leather Yellow Leather,
Red Leather,
Red Leather,
Red Leather
Red Leather,
Yellow Leather,
Yellow Leather,
Yellow Leather,
Yellow Leather,
Black Bug’s Blood,
Black Bug’s Blood,
Black Bug’s Blood,
Black Bug’s Blood.
#19 Tongue Twister “Irish Wrist Watch”:
#20 Tongue Twister “The Sixth Sheik’s Sixth Sheep’s Sick”:
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© Cyril Flerov/InterStar Translations and Michael Jacobs , 2014, All Rights Reserved.