Chapter 1, Exercise 1:
Pitch Glide or Glissando: finding relationship between pitch and physical sensations
Finding your natural pitch is one of the tasks when discovering your natural voice.
We are being deliberately vague and use “physical sensations” because the book does not mean to go into detail of what happens to your vocal apparatus when you say or sing high or low notes – there are other books for that.
What matters for simultaneous interpretation is that you feel on the physical level when your voice is high and when it is low for pitch and the change in that physical sensation for intonation. In the booth, with your headset on, you will not be able to hear yourself properly, so you should rely more on this physical sensation than on your own hearing.
Here is an example of the exercise for male voice. The graph is made in Voice Analyst.

Minimum, maximum and average pitch for the example above.
Chapter 1, Exercise 2
Finding natural FF
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