“Voice Training for Conference Interpreters” 4 hours
This voice training seminar was successfully conducted in a number of interpreter associations including CHICATA, STIBC, NCTA, with MIIS students, and independently in Washington, DC, and other locations. The seminar develops some of the topics covered in the book “Improving the Interpreter’s Voice” by Cyril Flerov and Michael Jacobs, and adds new ones!
The lecture is designed both for interpreter students and practicing interpreters. One 4 hour lecture covers basics of voice work as needed by conference interpreters.
The lecture is richly illustrated with audio examples and is accompanied by 103 slides. Various techniques to illustrate developing professional voice qualities are presented, as well as computer software, and other assets.
Example of topics that will be covered:
- common issues interpreters have with voice and ways to resolve them,
- using computer software to work on voice (practical session with demonstrations and exercises),
- voice care.
There is a certain degree of misunderstanding, even among some interpreters, about teaching voice skills. Some think that it is better left to voice trainers and not interpretation trainers, however, we should be more aware of the fact that traditional voice training does not cover some of the voice skills interpreters need. Correcting student voice should become a routine part of interpreter training from the very beginning.
“I really enjoyed the seminar and was surprised at the abundance of information that was included in such a single-day event. Thank you very much Cyril for sharing your insights about this profession!” TH
We will cover basic vocal work and exercises for professional language interpreters and students of interpretation.
Interpreter voice is evaluated by users of interpretation subconsciously and is an important factor in creating interpreter credibility.
We will talk about specific voice characteristics e.g. pitch, volume, rhythm etc. in generic terms and specifically as the characteristic is used in simultaneous or consecutive interpretation.
“This training was fantastic. I learned a whole lot of information and it was great to have close contact with an experienced professional!” JMF
Some exercises we will see involve use of free computer software and work with prerecorded audio files. Voice care and preventing voice issues are briefly covered.
The information may be used by students and by the interpreters already practicing on the market as a tool for self-evaluation.
Because it would be unethical to criticize a boothmate’s performance, no feedback from colleagues is usually offered, so many issues – including voice problems – remain uncorrected. It is particularly true for self-taught or volunteer interpreters.
Contact us today to book a seminar!
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- Amendments, New References, Corrections for the Book “Improving the Interpreter’s Voice”
- Book Quiz: “Improving the Interpreter’s Voice”
- Book’s Table of Contents
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- Voice Training Seminars for Interpreters
© Cyril Flerov/InterStar Translations and Michael Jacobs , 2014, All Rights Reserved.
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