Professionally trained language interpreters are a great help, however, you need to learn how to work with them and maximize their usefulness as a resource available to you.
Ability to communicate effectively with your foreign partners is becoming more important as well.
The seminar we offer is not language specific and is aimed at staff working with any cultures, languages, and any types of non-English speaking teams or partners.
It provides useful guidelines how to communicate through interpreters and dramatically improve the probability that your message is understood properly.
The seminar includes discussion of best practices and due diligence in hiring language interpreters, practical tips and recommendations, strategies to conduct business negotiations through interpreters, and a variety of other topics.
The seminar is conducted by professional conference interpreters with many years of experience in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation.
You can have an onsite seminar or a remote seminar as needed.
To book this seminar, contact InterStar Translations at 1-888-501-1633
or email us at