Why add another simultaneous interpretation FAQ online? Because this one is written from the perspective of an actual simultaneous interpreter!
Archive | February, 2016
Continuing Education Seminars for Language Interpreters
By InterStar Translations on in Best Practices, Consecutive Interpretation, Continuting Education, how to, Interpretation, Interpretation Equipment, Interpreter Education, Seminars for Interpreters, Simultaneous Interpretation
InterStar Translations offers continuing education seminars for simultaneous and consecutive interpreters by Cyril Flerov, Russian conference interpreter, AIIC, TAALS.
How Clients May Hire the Best Language Interpreters and Evaluate Quality of Simultaneous and Consecutive Interpretation?
By InterStar Translations on in Best Practices, Business, Client Education, Conference Interpreting, Conference Preparation, Due Diligence, how to, Interpretation
Here are a few ways to evaluate quality of the interpreter you are hiring or hired.