Alec Baldwin’s “Make America Great Again” cap in Russian is an excellent example why professional translators must be hired!
Archive | Translation Services
Does ISO 9001 Certification Mean Better Quality from a Translation Agency?
Some translation Agencies advertize themselves as ISO 9001 certified. What does it mean and what value does it bring? ISO 9000 is a family of standards by the International Organization for Standardization that cover Quality Management Systems. QMS is a very broad term and is defined as a set of procedures, processes, or policies […]
All about Simultaneous Interpretation – FAQ
Why add another simultaneous interpretation FAQ online? Because this one is written from the perspective of an actual simultaneous interpreter!
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (“LPTA”) and Language Interpretation Services
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (“LPTA”) is a method used by some clients to formally evaluate proposals for professional interpretation services. While it is a valid method to choose a supplier, a caveat needs to be made about how the technique is to be applied for conference simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services to get best value.
City Profile: Conference Interpreters in Las Vegas
Las Vegas is a major conference venue, where many conference simultaneous and consecutive conference interpreters are required.
“Let Them Hear You” AIIC Video – Value of Professional Interpreters
Enjoy this brilliant little video from AIIC – International Association of Conference Interpreters
What Kind of Language Interpreter is the Worst?
What kind of language simultaneous and consecutive interpreter is the best? This is the question that is often asked. But what kind is the worst and needs to be avoided? Read our thoughts and tips here.
What information clients need to provide to receive an estimate for interpretation or translation services?
We need the following information to be able to give you an estimate for interpretation or translation services.
Russian Translation Services, USA
InterStar Translations provides Russian translation services for business and corporate clients in the USA.