You are asked a question in English. In what language should you respond? It is not such a simple question as it may seem. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau experienced it first hand recently and even had to issue a letter of apology.

You are asked a question in English. In what language should you respond? It is not such a simple question as it may seem. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau experienced it first hand recently and even had to issue a letter of apology.
This post is a general explanation about simultaneous interpretation equipment for end users.
Public speaking is never easy – no one can claim he or she always feels comfortable in front of any audience. It is a skill, however, and like any skill it has to be honed, especially if your speech is interpreted into other languages. Here are a few tips from a professional speaker. 1) Remember […]
In Greek mythology the Danaïdes – the fifty daughters of Danaus – were condemned to a meaningless task for their crimes: to carry water in a sieve. Attempting to interview language interpreters by clients may be equally futile, and here is why.
When we work with potential clients and conference organizers we sometimes see similar patterns. Not all event managers use simultaneous or consecutive interpreters regularly and using language services for the first time may seem daunting. Avoid these common pitfalls: 1) Under-appreciating the value that interpreters bring: The budget of a conference can run […]
These recommendations may help meeting organizers, chairpersons and participants to run bilingual and multilingual meetings more efficiently especially if you use interpreters.
It is only natural, that clients need to use due diligence when they hire an interpreter or a translator for a project. There are many options on the market and – not being a professional interpreter or translator – it may be difficult for a conference organizer to make a good choice.
Here are the most common questions about consecutive interpretation answered by a professional interpreter.
Why add another simultaneous interpretation FAQ online? Because this one is written from the perspective of an actual simultaneous interpreter!
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