This post is a general explanation about simultaneous interpretation equipment for end users.

This post is a general explanation about simultaneous interpretation equipment for end users.
Speaking the same language and using the same terminology will help negotiations and help sign contracts for translation and interpretation services faster. One of the terms that comes up is “full house” audio feed. Usually it is not a good idea to bother clients of translation agencies with complex technical terminology, but – in […]
In Greek mythology the Danaïdes – the fifty daughters of Danaus – were condemned to a meaningless task for their crimes: to carry water in a sieve. Attempting to interview language interpreters by clients may be equally futile, and here is why.
Some translation Agencies advertize themselves as ISO 9001 certified. What does it mean and what value does it bring? ISO 9000 is a family of standards by the International Organization for Standardization that cover Quality Management Systems. QMS is a very broad term and is defined as a set of procedures, processes, or policies […]
When we work with potential clients and conference organizers we sometimes see similar patterns. Not all event managers use simultaneous or consecutive interpreters regularly and using language services for the first time may seem daunting. Avoid these common pitfalls: 1) Under-appreciating the value that interpreters bring: The budget of a conference can run […]
This is an explanation for our potential clients why they need more than one conference simultaneous interpreter per language for their conference.
The film gives a historical perspective of how the profession developed from the League of Nations to the present day, particularly the introduction of the simultaneous interpretation mode, first used at the Nuremberg Trials, as many of the interpreters who worked there later became UN interpreters. To this end, more than 60 interpreters of all […]
“Simultaneous translation” is a wrong term and here is why!
In September 2016 the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) will release a new series of videos on our profession.
Simultaneous interpretation has long history. It was always there as whispering interpretation, when the interpreter is literally saying interpretation into your ear. But the XX century brought innovations and inventions that made the profession the way it is today. Here are 4 people at the inception of it all.
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